Please register, using the menu on the left, to participate in the continuing medical education (CME) Internet teleconference entitled:

Faculty Speakers

Neil E. Kay, MD Professor of Medicine and Consultant Division of Hematology Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN

Mark A. Weiss, MD Associate Attending Physician Division of Hematologic Oncology Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center New York, NY Associate Professor of Medicine Weill Medical College of Cornell University New York Presbyterian Hospital New York, NY |
Overview This activity is a 1-hour live Internet i-conference. It consists of a 45-minute presentation by a physician faculty member. The i-Conference will include a review of the latest treatment options available for patients with CLL. Each presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer session. At the conclusion you will be required to fill out an evaluation form to obtain your credit certificate.
Audience This activity is designed for hematologists, oncologists, and oncology nurses who are currently treating CLL.
Statement of Need Chronic lymphocytic leukemia, also known as chronic lymphoid leukemia (CLL), affects more than 20,000 people in the United States and Western Europe each year. It is expected that this number will increase to more than 23,000 by the year 2010. The disease results from an acquired injury to the DNA of a single cell in the bone marrow. This injury is not present at birth. As of today, scientists do not understand the cause of the change in the DNA. Unlike the other three major types of leukemia, CLL is not associated with high doses of radiation or benzene exposure.
The disease is very uncommon in individuals under 45 years of age. Ninety-five percent (95%) of patients are over the age of 50 at the time of diagnosis. Long-term survival has not changed over the past several decades. RAI staging of the disease is very helpful in treatment since, at its earlier stages, it may have no effect on a person’s well-being. When symptoms occur, treatment is indicated; although, optimal therapy has yet to be defined. Alkylating agents and purines remain the therapy of choice and are administered initially with or without prednisone. This protocol is followed by combination therapy when results fail. High serum levels of ?2-microglobulin, CB23, and thymidine kinase may be indicative of CLL with a high risk of disease progression. Prognosis continues to be based on investigational studies that evaluate the use of cell surface immunophenotypes and IgVH mutational states. Several agents are being researched for treatment of refractory CLL. The hallmark unmet need in the management of CLL is for therapies that will extend survival. Through a series of literature searches and thought leader interviews, as well as experiences from prior activities, AAF-MED has determined that there is a need for hematologists, oncologists and oncology nurses to understand the recent advances in the etiology of CLL, diagnosis, stages, current treatments, and investigational studies in order to better understand and manage their patients with chronic lymphoid leukemia.
Educational Objectives After completing this activity, the participant will be able t • Describe the relevant clinical and biologic aspects of CLL • Identify both previous and novel risk stratification parameters for CLL • Describe treatments available for refractory and previously untreated CLL
Instructions for Receiving Credit There is no fee for participation in this educational activity. Participation in this live i-Conference activity should be completed in approximately 1 hour.
To successfully complete this activity and receive credit, participants must follow these steps:
- Register at the i-Conference website using the Menu at the left; Choose the date you wish to attend this live activity from the Event Schedule.
- Review the information in this website including the needs, target audience, learning objectives, and faculty disclosures.
- Follow the instructions sent to you: Return to this web site and attend the live i-Conference on your chosen day.
- Read, complete, and submit answers to the activity evaluation [verification of participation] following the program to recieve your credit.
For more information on the applicability and acceptance of continuing education credit for this activity, please consult your professional licensing board.